Sunday 25 September 2011

SAATCHI GALLERY, what a wonderful place!

I went to Saatchi Gallery on friday, which is a gallery you should go see sometime! They set up new exhibitons regularly and this time they had some disturbing, some beautifull and some surprising art works. Several times I get this thought: "What the hell did this artist think while he did this?!"
Here is a small colletion of what I saw, with short notices on what I thought of them:

SUMMIT by Kris Martin
When you first enter this is what you see; a number of rocks.
Then you move closer to them, and suddenly sees this tiny cross on top of each one of them. The instant feeling I got was how little I suddenly felt. These rocks weren't just rocks anymore, they became mountains.

THE HEALERS by David Altmejd
This sculpture has a lot sexuality to it, in a very bizarre way. I am not sure if I liked it or not, but it made me stay staring at it for several minutes. Anyway, there is no doubt that this is a talented artist. You can see that for yourself in the detailed picture below.

UNTITLED by Dirk Skreber
This is an installation I really loved! It is a full-scale car wrapped around a pole. Have you seen one of these science fiction movies where they freeze a dramatic scene? It felt like you were in the midle of something like that, witnessing a terrible car crash!

20:50 by Richard Wilson
 Ok, this was a surprising installation. I want you to guess what this is before I reveal it. You enter a room with a black floor that is so shiny, without any footprints on it, completly untouched. The room have this strange smell to it, and my throat actually went sore after a few minutes.
Got any idea? No? Look further down.
It was a room filled with 1 meter deep oil!
Have you ever had the feeling of suddenly realise that you are standing on the edge of a steep cliff (or similar)? It makes you want to jump back a few steps. That is how I felt. A sudden uncomfortable feeling rushing through my body.
Hello down there :)

BRUSH! by Angki Purbandono
This was a part of a collection by Indonesian artists. I loved how he used something as simple as only toothbrushes to create this mix of different colours in a simple composition.


  1. Nice one Caroline! really jealous - hopefully I'll get to head down there some point next week :)

  2. Thanks Kia! :) Yea, you should! Probably they've changed some of it by then as well, so you will be able to see new amazing stuff :)
