Sunday 25 December 2011

Uni Project: Justification

We did this project earlier this semester at Kingston Uni. Each group was given a typographic term, and my group was given 'justification'.

If you don't know what justification is you find the description of the term below, as the first part of the task:

 'The manipulation of text, through the use of hyphenation and tracking, to exactly fit the width of a space yet still maintain legibility and visual harmony. Justified text is often used for publications like newspapers and books wishing to maximise available space, where the design cannot detract attention from the content.

When time is a constraint, justification is a popular option for its simplicity and speed, however it can result in unsightly hyphenation and "rivers" can be avoided resulting in an aesthetically pleasing and professional looking publication.'

The second part had to be a visual explanation to the term.
Our idea was to visualise the different sizes of spaces between each word in a paragraph from four newspapers and from that highlight the big differences that occur between each printed publication.
We were given some criteria for the solution:
- It had to be in black and white
- It had to be created from A4 papers

'The Surrey Comet'

'The Daily Mail'

'The Observer'

'The Sun'

The presentation

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